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韩国TOSS氮气弹簧 /韩国原装进口氮气弹簧TOSS

更新时间:2020-01-15    有效期:60个月     加入收藏

韩国TOSS氮气弹簧 /韩国原装进口氮气弹簧TOSS


韩国TOSS氮气弹簧 1) TSS :A product that is designed to be economic with a change in the cartridge design user can select the stroke in a model 750 kgf ~5000 kgf. 2) TSM :Gas spring provide mm dimension to meet local customer requirements . It offers full range stroke from 10 mm to 300 mm.. This series can be used for small die and complex die thank to designed by very compact. Also can provide to use good condition by assemble MOUNT . This series keeping long-life with Durability. Model shows from 150~5000. 3) TSL :Series are Standard of Gas Springs to the ISO 11901-1. It applies to gas spring of type 500Kgf to 10000 Kgf of pressurized with Nitrogen for use in press tools. It is correspondence with North ?America Automotive Standard. All stroke dimension is stated both mm and inch. 4) TSP :Xtra High Power Gas Spring TSP series are shortest & smallest model through all of TOSS gas springs, Developed for most powerful in a small amount of space. TSP giving you high power even in small space, helping make your small die. TSP series are available with initial force from TSP 350 ~ TSP 9500 and stroke lengths between 10~20mm and 125 mm according to model and C-groove, U-groove and bottom threaded holes can use various mounting possibilities.


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